aside Oh My Knees Are Killing Me….

Ok.. So my knees weren’t really going to be the end of me, but BOY did they ever hurt.  See several years ago, I made the momentous decision to move my family north to Michigan. Besides Sally and her family, I knew no one. While I was waiting to find a job, I was helping Sally in her business.

This was before Frequency Apps and at a time when Sally ran her Wellness Center out of a local health food store. My big idea was to give away free Ionic Foot Bath Sessions for customers of the Health Food Store, using that as an opportunity to talk to them about the services Sally provided.


My knees weren’t in the best of shape a residual effect of playing soccer for years in my younger days. Walking on that hard surface e made a bad situation worse and my knees really hurt. I mentioned that fact to Sally in passing and she came over a couple of minutes later and placed a Joint Relief patch on me.

About a half hour later, she asked “Hey, How is your knee pain?”  I thought. what is she talking about my knees done hurt. Then it really hit me…. my KNEES did NOT hurt!!! I was simply amazed.

My knees had hurt for over 20 years. It was just something that I dealt with. FINALLY, I discovered something that would not just dull the pain but had the potential to  ELIMINATE it.  So I decided to put the Joint Ease Patch to the test.

I kept one on consistently for 90 days. By that time the knee pain was completely gone. Since then, I only place a patch on if I know I am going to be walking around on hard surfaces for a long period of time or when I am exercising more than my normal routine.

Once I had used them for and extended period of time, as well as trying other types of the patches, I knew that these Frequency Apps Patches needed to get to the masses. So Sally and I started Frequency Apps and the rest, as they say, is history!!

The Joint Ease Patch is one of a couple of patches that literally changed my life. Have you been putting up with constant pain (Like I was)? Do you have trouble focusing, are your hormones out of control? Is your life stressful? Problems Sleeping? Whatever your health struggles are, most likely, we have a patch that could change your life too!!

To find out more check out our catalog or come into our live chat to speak with one of our customer service reps.

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